+44 (0)1206932488 | info@phoenixheroes.co.uk 
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Support for our most vulnerable veterans and families. 
We would like to say a huge thank you to Councillor Kevin Bentley, Leader of Essex County Council (ECC) and Councillor Peter Davey, Chairman of the Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) for their very generous grant of £3,000 in support of our veteran community, this is a great help to us and it will make a huge difference to many peoples lives.  
We would also like to say a big thank you to "Peggy" and her team at Tesco Hythe Colchester for being so helpful with organising the Tesco cards for us.  
If you are a business looking for a good cause to support and would like to know more about Phoenix Heroes and the work that we do, then please get in touch 
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