+44 (0)1206932488 | info@phoenixheroes.co.uk 
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Phoenix Heroes Temp Loan 

How it Works.... 
We will identify those who have joined Phoenix Heroes who are in greater need, we will then contact them by phone to get a better understanding about what type of fishing tackle would best suit the individual.  
What to do next.... 
Complete the below registration form and agree to our terms and conditions, we will then contact you to arrange to kit you out with the appropriate type of fishing tackle. 
Your commitment.... 
As detailed under the below terms and conditions all we expect is your commitment to join in on our fishing events and get involved with our community. If you are committed and find that you really enjoy fishing there will be opportunities in the future to upgrade your fishing tackle set up and let us pass on your current set up to another individual. 

Complete Registration Please complete the registration form below  

Terms & Conditions 

If you would like to receive support through the Phoenix Heroes Tackle 4 Heroes project then you must read and tick to agree the below terms and conditions. 
This tackle donation is a loan of equipment and remains the property of Phoenix Heroes, the individual must make the commitment to join us on our fishing events throughout the year. If it is deemed that the fishing tackle is not getting used then we / Phoenix Heroes will make contact to arrange collection so we can identify another individual that might need support. Under no circumstances should any of the equipment be sold or exchanged, any reports of doing so will be treated as theft and legal action could be taken against you. In the event of a change of address then Phoenix Heroes must be informed, same applies if your circumstances change and you feel that fishing is not something that you wish to pursue. Phoenix Heroes will make every effort to get you involved in our events as detailed on our events page on our website.  

* Note... this fishing tackle donation is on a temp loan, all equipment donated remains the property of Phoenix Heroes, any loss or stolen reports must be accompanied by a police crime reference number. ***This form should only be used for complete fishing tackle donations and not individual items***